Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thunder and Lightning

So I realize we haven't been keeping this thing as updated as we, or at least I had originally thought, but hey, We've Been Busy. But let's catch up.

First Order of Business:
I (Michelle) am going to College! BYU-Idaho HERE I COME!! I am incredibly excited to be going to Idaho for Fall/Winter so please no pity or sad-ish looks. No "Oh, well you'll have fun" as if it's some terrible thing I didn't get into Provo. Yes, I was disappointed, yes I cried for two days straight.. BUT after much prayer, soul searching, and reviewing the past 13 years finding things I could do differently, I realized something. Earlier in November I was emailing my wonderful sister-in-law Telisha about how excited I was and about applying to both Provo and Idaho, and she asked me what I would do if I got excepted to both. I said "God will have to show me with Thunder and Lightning that I'm not going to Provo." So there... I got my LOUD Thunder and BRIGHT Lightning which clearly told me where I'm supposed to be. I don't know why, but I do know one thing. There is something I'm supposed to learn and do, and people I'm supposed to meet, classes and professors I'm supposed to have... And it's all at Idaho.
So Here I go.. On to the cold and SNOW :)
PS: Michelle will be getting the AO Student Scholarship (half-Tuition)

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